“Oliver’s pillow was smoothed by gentle hands that night; and loveliness and virtue watched him as he slept.”‘Oliver Twist’- Charles Dickens

Photo: Alamy M1C597
Life sometimes offers a setting in time where the energy of a moment reveals the spirit of a place and that specific point in time becomes a souvenir of the heart.
5:30 AM … Of a morning, Wednesday-November 22nd:
27-41 Half Moon St – Mayfair, London, W1
In the stillness of the morning’s early hours a quietness exists in this little street. The weather is still mild enough to sleep with an open window. I love the crispness of London’s city air this time of year.
Lying in bed, I’m awakened by the sound of whistling outside. The notes echo off the Georgian buildings…the song, a tune…strong, upbeat, heartfelt, sweet. I realize it’s from the musical I attended a few nights ago.
~Consider Yourself- from ‘Oliver!’
The show number rings out from Piccadilly Street to the south, then travels up Half Moon Street moving closer to my window…jaunty. Notes mirrored. Echo answering echo.
~What•ever we’ve got we share!
I can hear his steps now, the sound… a strong and lively stride as heels hit the street – heel-and-toe striking the walkway. Rhythmic. His pace is in time.
~Con•sid •er Your•self One of the Fam•i•ly !
I stay in bed. It seems like a dream. I want to peek out the window. But no, I stay hidden. My imagination builds a scene as beautiful as a scene from the musical. I envision the shadows of his flowing movement as he meets each street lamp.
~Con•sid•er Your•self at Home!
Only a few minutes have elapsed since the first note called out. The whistler’s melody reverberates in this once bohemian street of London. Moving north on Half Moon Street his steps begin fading as he rounds the corner at Curzon Street. The whistler’s final notes are clear.
~Con•sid•er Your•self One of Us!
Be Well. Stay Safe. Much Love.
Story © 2020 Molly Cox

1994 West End revival -A Cameron Mackintosh Production
1994-1998 – at the London Palladium
Photo © 2020 Molly Cox