“It is astonishing, really, how many thoroughly mature, well-adjusted grown-ups harbor a teddy bear ― which is perhaps why they are thoroughly mature and well-adjusted.” ― Joseph Lempa

Theodor Bayer, pictured above, harbors in a village in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. His apiary is near the river Rur in a village between Aachen and Cologne. Theodor has a large domestic customer base and serves much of Europe as well.
Wellington Bere, pictured below, is harboring in northeast Texas where he is a honey farmer with an extensive apiary serving customers both domestically and internationally.
Theodor & Wellington met at a honey trade fair in Germany many years ago. Now they plan their annual business jamborees to the many German bakeries that purchase their honey in bulk for specialty baking. These honig baked bites include the most delectable Bienenstich Kuchen-or Bee Sting Cake, Honigkuchen, Deutsche Honig Plätzchen, and Lebkuchen.
Every year, another jamboree follows the trade fair!
These jamborees always provide full bellies and the enjoyment of the company of old and new customers.

“The world of the teddy bear is an innocent one, a world that gives delight and hurts not, a world that appeals to all generations and all nationalities”- unknown
Be Well. Stay Safe. Much Love.
Story & Photos: © 2020 Molly Cox