“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.”
-John Muir

I found you hidden in this place. A garden spot. This garden in the desert. Thirsty and dry. The desert attracts people. Draws people.
I’ve always felt a power in the desert. It’s sun charging everything with its brilliance and warmth. It naturally conserves its resources and quenches its thirst at night. It fills me with joy.
Brad said the desert is boring and only brown, but the colors of the desert do go beyond brown. Beyond the tones of umber and chestnut. There are greens. Greens in the colors of spring grasses and dried sages. The purples sometimes will stretch themselves to bloom in blue. The dead heads of blooms will fade from dirty white to a luminous shade of wheat grass. A speck of yellow always jumps from gold when lit by the sun. Rarer hues of crimson and apricot offer their faces in the smallest of weeds. A silver twinkles when moonlight plays in the desert dirt.
The beauty of a garden offers comfort, it whispers softly, gently.
Suzanne painted it once. The desert. She called it the Colors of Love. She used the same artist’s palette as in the desert here.
I’ll meet you in the desert garden at the end of this day and we will drink awhile. Sleep awhile. Tomorrow, after coffee we will recharge in its sun and then we will continue our way home. Safe Journey.

-Lao Tzu
Be Well. Stay Safe. Much Love.
Story & Photos: © 2021 Molly Cox