“Another sunrise, another new beginning. “
-Jonathan Lockwood Huie
It’s early October and sunrise is coming later and later. I miss opening the living room blinds before 6 AM and watching daylight emerge.
Late sunrises make for lazy mornings for me. Now only a few hummingbirds are showing up everyday. They’re all on their way to Marisol’s for the winter. Yesterday one of them was such a big guy! He was nearly as large as the first one I saw this year.
He perched on the feeder for a long time, sipping, slurping, sipping. He was sharing the feeder for a moment but then bullied his way into being the owner of that feeder.
There is another feeder for the timid birds. You need to provide at least a second feeder, that is all a hummingbird fuel stop proprietor can do about hummingbird bullying. Well, she can also try and reason with the bully but the additional feeders are her best bet.
Do hummingbirds travel at night?
Maybe they just sleep at night then refuel and travel only in the daylight. Maybe.
I’m curious too, why are there still a few birds coming through now. It seems so late in the season. Seems so cool after dark for hummingbirds. Are the late arrivals scouts of a sort? They still have so far to go.
When I see the birds today I’ll need to ask them those questions and likely a few more. But for now, again I see the sun’s daily performance begin. It’s the opening act, trying to turn the sky pink and orange on the eastern horizon. Apricot. Yes, the horizon color today begins as apricot.
“Embrace the seasons and cycles of your life. There is magic in change.”
Bronnie Ware
Be Well. Stay Safe. Much Love.
Story Video & Photos: © 2022 Molly Cox