It’s late September and the weather has already cooled . It will get warmer before winter is here but today presents a chilly warning.
The hummingbirds are still here, a dozen of them. They know I’m their human and they’re quick to let me know when the feeders are empty. They’re on a feeding frenzy right now – chattering loudly and their wings are pounding like drum beats. They’re keeping me busy filling the feeders. The mornings are when I talk to them.
Today: “ What time is your flight out? It’s getting cooler and you’re getting fatter. The geese are honking and headed south. When do you need to leave?” and now they tell me about Villahermosa, their winter home in Mexico, and Marisol. Marisol, their human who lives there and feeds them well during the warm winter in their own tiny corner of Mexico. They think she looks like me. Travel dreaming lives here, in this tiny corner of north Texas.

Be Well. Stay Safe. Much Love.
Story & Photos: © 2020 Molly Cox