“Joe Biden, He understands what’s happening today.”
My little brother called. He rarely calls. Excitedly he says “This isn’t about politics, I don’t even know your politics and don’t need to know; but do you remember when we lived in Wilmington and Joe Biden was running for his first senate seat?”
“I just wanted to remind you that I worked for his first campaign that year, an unpaid volunteer!”
“You were 12 or 13!”
“Yes, remember my friends Bill and Bob? Their Dad was a Biden supporter and he came home and handed us all the campaign leaflets and told us, ‘Now, go and hand these out at every door’!”
“Oh that’s a great memory, Biden was running that campaign on a shoe string and his youth!”
Now he’s counting on those same voters who elected one of the youngest senators ever to become the oldest elected president of the USA.
‘Joe Biden, He understands what’s happening today.’ That was his campaign tag line in 1972.
Be Well. Stay Safe. Much Love.
Story & Photo: © 2020 Molly Cox
I miss that little brother.